United States Joins Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Novartis Pharmaceuticals Philadelphia, Pa, April 26, 2013 PRWeb, Young Law Group (young-lawgroup.com; e-mail: eyoung@young-lawgroup.com) The United States Department of Justice has announced that it is intervening in a qui tam whistleblower suit under the False Claims Act accusing Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation of fraudulently billing Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and other federal and state-funded...
Pharmaceutical Fraud – Do Your Part to Help Fight Unfortunately, too many pharmaceutical companies place the pursuit of profits above compliance with the law and the well-being of the innocent patients, who place their trust in their products. In order to protect their bottom line, some pharmaceutical companies perpetrate countless fraudulent schemes every year and...
IRS Whistleblower Program Proposed Changes Young Law Group Submits Public Comments to Dept. of Treasury on Proposed Changes to IRS Whistleblower Program Recognizing the potential threat to its current and future clients, as well as, the whistleblower advocacy community at large, Young Law Group today submitted official comments in response to proposed changes to the IRS Whistleblower...
False Claims Act The False Claims Act (“FCA”) is a federal statute that enables individuals (commonly referred to as “Relators”) to file lawsuits on the federal government’s behalf when the government has been defrauded. Nearly thirty States now have their own False Claims Act, many of which mirror the provisions of the federal False Claims Act. Lawsuits...
How Do I Know If I Have A Qui Tam Whistleblower Case? The term “whistleblower” is very broad and can have multiple meanings. Any time someone reports a wrong, arguably they could be considered a whistleblower. Only if the wrongdoing involves fraud against the government does a whistleblower have the right under federal and state...
Choosing a Whistleblower Attorney If you are considering becoming a whistleblower, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to find the right attorney. A good whistleblower lawyer will be a valuable ally in your fight for vindication and can make the difference between winning and losing your case. So, how do...
Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 On Tuesday, November 27, 2012, President Barack Obama signed into a law the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (“WPEA”). This bill is the culmination of over a decade of activism by the protectors of whistleblower rights in response to continued judicial erosion of whistleblower rights. In 1989 the Whistleblower Act was...
Is The SEC Serious About Whistleblowers? Recently, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) released its first annual report on its Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Program. Reaction to the report has been mixed. Some point to the 3,001 tips the agency has received during its first year and see a sign of positive progress. To others, a program that has made...
Voxxi: For-Profits Spend Big on Advertising On November 29, 2012, Voxxi reported that for-profit colleges are spending big money on advertising. For-profit colleges allocate enormous amount of funding toward marketing and surprising little amount of money goes towards education. The Department of Education states that approximately 12 percent of all students participating in higher education...
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine Looking to Ban Speaking Fees On November 26, 2012, Pharmalot reported that a medical school, Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine, is looking to implement a plan recommending that its researchers should no longer accept paid speaking fees from drugmakers. The proposal has drawn criticism...