Category: News

Close-up Photo of the Stock Market, representing IRS Whistleblower Complaints

SEC Approves Whistleblower Rules

SEC Approves Whistleblower Rules The SEC has approved the rules regarding the submission of SEC whistleblower claims pursuant to the Dodd-Frank legislation that was passed last year. As reported By David S. Hilzenrath, here, The SEC approved rules Wednesday that could make it highly lucrative for Wall Street whistleblowers and other corporate insiders to alert the agency to...
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100 Dollar Bills representing settlement and False Claims Act

CVS pays $17.5 million dollars in settlement of Whistleblower lawsuit

CVS pays $17.5 million dollars in settlement of Whistleblower lawsuit A recent $17.5 million dollar settlement of Medicaid related fraud reinforces the need for strong Whistleblower protections, and how one single employee can make a difference in exposing fraud and recovering tax dollars for the government. The Whistleblower lawsuit was filed against CVS Pharmacy Inc....
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Power Lines which are serviced by Field Service Technicians

Telecommunication firm pays settlement to resolve suit

Telecommunication firm pays settlement to resolve suit Two former employees of a large telecommunication company helped the United States government and the state governments of 9 states recover $16.5. The settlement resolves a long-standing suit. In 2004, two former company employees filed a whistleblower suit against Avaya, Inc. for alleged fraud against the government. The two employees claim...
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Battle - Two Silver Chess Pieces on White Surface

In the Battle Against Fraud, More and More Winners Emerge

In the Battle Against Fraud, More and More Winners Emerge An aggressive push by the Department of Justice in the past year to investigate and prosecute false claims brings good news for prosecutors and qui tam plaintiffs.The federal government, as well as state governments, are recovering record amounts from successful civil qui tam settlements and judgments, and those rewards...
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Close Up of Building - Settlements for Justice Department, representing government's veto power

Proposed Legislation Threatens Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections

Proposed Legislation to Gut Whistleblower Provisions of Dodd-Frank Last week, Representative Michael Grimm (R,C-NY) along with House Financial Services Capital Markets Subcommittee Chair Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Rep. John Campbell (R-CA), and Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH) introduced new legislation to amend the whistleblower provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.  The proposed bill, entitled the Whistleblower Improvement Act...
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Crop doctor with stethoscope in hospital, representing hospice fraud and medical malpractice reform

Government Sees a Record Surge in Healthcare Fraud Prosecution

Government Sees a Record Surge in Healthcare Fraud Prosecution New statistics released by independent research organization TRAC (Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse) show that the number of health care fraud prosecutions is set for a dramatic rise this year. Syracuse University organization TRAC releases government data obtained from submissions under the Freedom of Information Act. According...
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Accounting pages and a coffee mug, representing internal and external audits

IRS Concludes 2nd Successful Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative

IRS Concludes 2nd Successful Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative International tax evaders beware: the IRS is cracking down on those who would hide offshore income, and as such are successfully collecting billions of dollars in taxes and penalties.A program introduced in 2009 called the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI) has obtained 30,000 disclosures since its inception.The...
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Cornice of old national bank, representing Deutsche Bank and whistleblowers

U.S. Steps In: Allied Home Mortgage False Claims Act Lawsuit

U.S. Intervenes in False Claims Act lawsuit against Allied Home Mortgage As reported by Bob Van Voris and Patricia Hurtado here Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corp., which last year claimed to be the biggest closely held mortgage broker in the U.S., was sued by federal authorities for alleged fraudulent lending practices. The U.S., by and through the...
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Person Signing in Documentation Paper

Working Overtime As A Mortgage Loan Officer?

Working Overtime As A Mortgage Loan Officer? If you are employed as a mortgage loan officer and are performing “typical mortgage loan officer duties”, you may be entitled to overtime premium pay if you have worked over 40 hours in a workweek. Last month, the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division, provided its...
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Tax Court Protects Anonymity of Whistleblower 14106-10W

Tax Court Protects Anonymity of Whistleblower 14106-10W Sometimes just the title of the case tells me that I have to write about it.  So it goes with Whistleblower 14106-10W, 137 T.C. No. 15.  The IRS has had programs to pay informants for a long time.  In 2006, though, Congress gave them orders to step up their act...
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