Category: News

People Touching Red Solo Cups Together on a Beach

False Marking Suit Against Solo Cup Lid Maker is a Bust

False Marking Suit Against Solo Cup Lid Maker is a Bust The patent attorney who brought a qui tam suit against the maker of Solo cup lids has failed in his quest to collect trillions of dollars in fines. We blogged previously about patent lawyer Matthew Pequignot’s suit against Solo based on the qui tam provision of the patent law which...
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A Papers with Coins and Mobile Phone on the Side, representing whistleblower contracts

Tax Fraud Whistleblowers Wanted

Tax Fraud Whistleblowers Wanted Every citizen has the chance to be the next super-star IRS whistleblower (without the unfortunate jail sentence, like UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld). If you have specific, credible information about someone who is cheating on their taxes, there may be a significant amount of reward money for you–up to 30% of the...
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Shallow Focus of Clear Hourglass

It Is About Time!

It Is About Time! For years, powerful lobbyist for corporate America have successfully impeded government intervention with regard to wide-spread violations of state and federal wage protection laws. Well, times have changed. Yesterday, Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Lynn Woolsey introduced the Employee Misclassification Protection Act which is aimed at helping millions of workers who...
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Tax Returns with Portfolio, IRS form 1040 and Cash

Putting the “i” in IRS

Putting the “i” in IRS Every citizen has the chance to be the next super-star IRS whistleblower (without the unfortunate jail sentence, like UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld). If you have specific, credible information about someone who is cheating on their taxes, there may be a significant amount of reward money for you–up to 30% of the tax, penalties,...
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Spilled Bottle of Yellow Capsule Pills, representing drug Fraud and off-label marketing abuse

Another Big Pharma Payout – But Is It Enough?

Another Big Pharma Payout – But Is It Enough? Following big settlements against Eli Lilly and Pfizer for unlawful, off-label marketing of Zyprexa and Geodon respectively, the U.S. Department of Justice this week announced a settlement with AstraZeneca with regard to its atypical antipsychotic, Seroquel. As part of the settlement, the company has agreed to...
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Close Up of Photo of Books

False Patent Claims: An Interesting Qui Tam Wrinkle

False Patent Claims: An Interesting Qui Tam Wrinkle A new frontier appears to be opening up for qui tam: suits for filing false patent marks. The relevant section of the law pertaining to patents (35 U.S.C 292) states: (a) Whoever, without the consent of the patentee, marks upon, or affixes to, or uses in advertising...
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Whistle on a Chain

Protecting Corporate Whistleblowers

Protecting Corporate Whistleblowers A corporate whistleblower faces a very real risk of retaliation by her employer, commonly in the form of termination. Certain provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) provide protections for whistleblowers, and new whistleblower protections could potentially come through the proposed financial reform bill. 18 U.S.C. sec. 1514A of SOX protects corporate whistleblowers...
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Whistle on a Chain

Whistle Blown on KBR Once Again

Whistle Blown on KBR Once Again The army just can’t seem to break it off with military contractor KBR. They’re like that couple everyone wants to break up, but they stay together–usually with one party taking advantage of the other. We’ve recently blogged about KBR’s ongoing legal troubles, but here is just one more volume...
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Accounting pages and a coffee mug, representing internal and external audits

Tax Fraud…Behind Bars!

Tax Fraud…Behind Bars! Consider this: you committed a crime, weren’t wiley enough to avoid getting caught, and now you’re in jail. What’s the first thing on your mind? Well, send a bunch of fraudulent tax returns to the IRS in order to collect millions in refunds, of course! Investigators in Key West, Florida have found that inmates...
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A Papers with Coins and Mobile Phone on the Side, representing whistleblower contracts

Cashing in Early on Tax Tips

Cashing in Early on Tax Tips In what could become a hot new market, whistleblowers are starting to cash in early on their rewards from the IRS–and investors are eating it up. Ever since the rules governing IRS rewards for tax fraud informants changed in 2006 to provide for bigger whistleblower awards, there has been...
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