Misclassified Assistant Managers/Shift Supervisors In an effort to cut payroll costs many companies today will name certain employees “assistant manager” or “supervisor” and pay them a set salary. However, due to the nature of the employees’ work and the lack of true management authority, these employees are, in fact, legally entitled to the payment of...
Independent Contractors As with many of the other schemes employed by companies to cut labor costs, many employers will improperly classify employees as “independent contractors”. By doing so, these companies aim to avoid the payment of minimum wages, overtime, employee benefits, FICA taxes, workers’ compensation, and unemployment benefits. Young Law Group is a nationwide leader...
Denver Health & Hospital Authority to Pay $6.2 Million to Settle Claims that it Overbilled Medicare and Medicaid Philadelphia, PA, January 5, 2012– Egan Young, Attorneys-at-Law, is pleased to announce that Denver Health and Hospital Authority (“DHHA”) has agreed to pay $6.3 million to settle allegations that the DHHA submitted false claims to Medicare and Medicaid...
Banking Over-time Hours Rather than pay employees time and one-half their regular rate for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek, many employers will “bank” the over-time hours and apply them toward a week where the employee worked less than 40 hours. The employee will then be paid for these hours at the regular...
KBR’s Permanent Rain Cloud Military contractor KBR, Inc., seems to have one of those personal permanent rain clouds hovering over its head that follows it everywhere. You almost can’t help feeling sorry for the forlorn little former subsidiary of Haliburton…or not. So far, KBR has been sued for (not an exhaustive list): Exposing troops to...
Qui Tam in the Mines As far as we know, they aren’t sending kids into the mines like they used to do in the heady days of 1908, when you had to start working basically as soon as you could walk. That doesn’t mean that mining is any less dangerous today, however. Every year, there seems to...
A Curious Company Called Agility Agility is one of those companies whose name gives you no clue as to what it actually does. It could be physical therapy or investments, but what Agility, which is actually a Kuwaiti logistics firm, seems to do very adeptly these days is getting itself in trouble with the U.S....
Aetna Told to Go Sit in the Corner for Medicare Compliance Violations Aetna appears to have gotten itself in some pretty big trouble. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), effectively Aetna’s authority figure, has punished the insurer for violations related to Aetna’s administration of the Medicare Advantage plan. The violations stem from Aetna’s move...
The Neverending Bradley Birkenfeld / UBS Saga If you’re interested in whistleblowers, you probably know about the saga of Bradley Birkenfeld. Birkenfeld turned over information to the IRS that led to a deal between UBS and AG Eric Holder to relinquish the names of 4,500 potential tax cheats. UBS also paid a $780 million fine. For his...
Goldman Sachs: What’s in a Name? It appears that Goldman Sachs is aptly named. Goldman has already been busted by the SEC for its role in an allegedly fraudulent scheme, which involved betting that mortgages would fail. Now, according to a former Goldman trader, big banks involved in precious metals trading have been keeping gold...