Federal Government’s Bigger Role in Policing Fraud Might Be Paying Off? On September 8, 2012, The Des Moines Register reported on the Federal Government’s new efforts to prevent Medicaid fraud.Medicaid is the primary source of health care for 58 million low-income and disabled Americans.The states are primarily responsible for overseeing Medicaid and preventing fraud.Since 2005,...
Government and Private Companies Join to Combat Fraud On July 26, 2012, Market Watch of the Wall Street Journal posted an article entitled “Amerigroup Joins Public-Private Partnership To Combat Health Care Fraud.”The article reported that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the U.S. Department...
Doctors receive $130k for Exposing Illegal Medicare Kickback Scheme On August 14, 2012, the Department of Justice reported that it had recovered $650,000 and settled claims against Dr. Jack L. Baker, a prominent Houston radiologist, for allegations that he violated the False Claims Act, the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark Act and the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act. The...
Study by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Found Increased Off Label On September 10, 2012, Science Daily reported that the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (“CHOP”) had published a national study in the journal Health Services Research that showed over the last decade an increase in prescriptions written for powerful antipsychotic drugs to treat publicly insured...
Judge Strikes Down Dept. of Education’s New “Gainful Employment” Rules On July 1, 2012 and July 11, 2012, The New York Times published two articles reporting that Judge Rudolph Contreras of Federal District Court overturned the Department of Education’s “gainful employment” rules aimed at for-profit colleges that leave students with huge debt loads, no credentials,...
Whistleblower Paid $9,243,251 For Exposing False Claims Scheme On June 7, 2012, the Department of Justice reported that it had recovered $34,234,263 from Orthofix Inc., a Texas-based manufacturer of medical devices, to settle allegations under the civil False Claims Act relating to the company’s sale of bone growth stimulator devices. The Justice Department awarded whistleblower Jeffrey Bierman $9,243,251...
IRS Tax Fraud Whistleblower Awarded $104 Million Philadelphia, PA September 12, 2012 – Whistleblower Attorneys for Bradley Birkenfeld, a jailed former Swiss banker, announced that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will award him a $104 Million as a tax whistleblower reward for detailed information he turned over to the U.S. government concerning the detailed inner...
For-Profit Colleges Are Wasting Public Funds On August 16, 2012, The Spokesman Review published an editorial which stated the for-profit colleges are wasting public funds.A couple interesting facts and quotes pulled from the editorial, include: Enrollment at for-profit colleges has exploded in the past 15 years as more people are drawn to the flexibility of...
For Profit Colleges Encouraged Fraud On August 4, 2010, The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on For Profit Colleges entitled “FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES –Undercover Testing Finds Colleges Encouraged Fraud and Engaged in Deceptive and Questionable Marketing Practices.”The GAO conducted an investigation and had GAO investigators pose as prospective students and apply for...
Sunoco Inc. Agrees To Pay $675,000.00 To Settle FLSA Action Egan Young, Attorneys-at-Law, is pleased to announce final approval of a $675,000.00 dollar settlement with Sunoco, Inc. to resolve a collective action lawsuit brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) on behalf of 488 current and/or former unionized operations and laboratory workers in Philadelphia,...